Consignor FAQs
I am new to the sale, what do I do?​
To sell your items, you will need to become a CCEX consignor. It's free and easy to do!
Create your consignor account online.
Input each of your items info and price online.
Print and attach tags to items.
Drop items off during drop-off days. Shop!
At the end of sale, pick up any unsold, non-donation items on pick-up day. Pick up your check too.
My item can fit into multiple categories. Which do I choose?
It doesn't matter!
I do not see my item's category and/or size in the system. What do I do?
Category and size are just helpful information but don’t need to be completely accurate. That information is most useful if your tag falls off during the sale and we have to figure out the item it goes with. That is important to do so that your item gets rung up with the price you want. Otherwise we will price it ourselves and pay you for that amount if you identify you are missing an item.​
For items that don’t fit into any of the provided size options, there is a blank size option for every category.
The ‘Description’ box can be where you add any extra identifying details.
For items that don’t fit into the provided categories, there is a "Miscellaneous" category.
Do I need an appointment or do I just drop off my items?
No, you do not need an appointment. Please come during our Drop Off hours for consignment drop off. Consignors may shop on Drop Off days. See dates here
Do we price our own items?
Starting with the 2018 Spring Sale, our consignors have had control of all item pricing including clothing.
For pricing the following: Toys, games, baby equipment, bedding, costumes, hats, books or DVDs, we suggest that you ask about half of what you paid or simply try and think of what you would want to pay for the item if you came to our sale to buy it. Remember, the better an item looks, the better it sells, so clean up it and put in fresh batteries! NO ONE WILL BUY AN ITEM THAT DOESN’T WORK.
See our PRICING GUIDE for pricing suggestions
How much do we earn as a consignor?
Consignors make 50% of the selling price of each item sold. We do not charge any fees to participate in our sale.
When do we receive our checks?
Your checks will be available immediately following the sale on Pick Up Day. We will mail any checks not picked up on Pick Up Day
Is there a certain number of items that I have to bring in?
There is no minimum number of items to consign but we ask that you limit your clothing items to 150 quality pieces.
You do not need to consign in order to shop at our sale.
Are there any items that you don’t accept?
Yes. We do not want you to sell items that aren't quality children or maternity items.
We do not review every item you bring in but we will pull items off the floor if it's not appropriate for our sale or is something people will not buy. Shelf space is valuable and we need to make room for items that will sell.
We ask you to NOT consign items that are:
not for children, maternity, or adult family matching outfit.
too dated.​
too worn out and/or dirty.
Really nice clothing brands for young kids and toddlers can have slight staining as those can be worn as play clothes. Price low.
Staining on common brands will be pulled.
A missing button is ok as its an easy fix but price item lower.
Try using OxiClean for tough stains including yellowed milk stains. ​
really inexpensive, common brand items.
baby white "Gerber" onesies that come in a pack.
used fleece footed pjs.
​Review our detailed list of items that we do and do not accept.
When can I start buying?
Consignors can start shopping at any time during drop off
Non-consignors can start shopping when we open our doors on the first sale day (there is usually a line waiting!).
I have items to sell but I don't have time to tag. Can you do it for me?
At this time we are not able to price or tag items for you. We would like to offer that service in the future.​
To help save time, group items of similar category and size (ex "Boy's Pants, Size 4") together which will allow you to make multiple quantities of one tag
I can tag my items but I can not hold them/drop them off during dates. Can you take them?
Yes. Just contact us and we can arrange something.
If you have any additional questions please do not hesitate to reach out. Text gets the fastest reply: 504-434-2075